Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jilt, Jinx, Kepi, and Krichelle

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This is from What Not to Name Your Baby by Joe Borgenicht.


Jade: A precious green stone used to cover windows.

Jamboree: A large Scout gathering. This features tent-pitching, campfire songs, and s'mores-making. May involve singing bears.

Janet: Silicone-enhanced singer / dancer / songwriter prone to wardrobe malfunctions.

Jasmine: A sweet-smelling tropical flower and Disney princess.

Jemima: Apron-wearing, kerchief-headed doyenne of breakfast foods. Often confused with her nemesis, the living syrup bottle.

Jenna: A nickname for Virginia; also, a hard-drinking presidential daughter.

Jessica: Likely to think nobody likes her, since everyone she meets will immediately sadden as they recall the baby who fell into a well.

Jilt: Abandon a significant other without warning.

Jinx: Something or someone that causes bad luck. Will always be the other woman.

Joi: Wife of famous but loudmouthed morning talk show host.

Jools: Big, fancy precious stones. "Get my Jools, honey; we're going out!"

Joyeux Noël: Why, thank you! And a Happy Chanukah to you.

Jubilee: Festive commemoration of an anniversary involving yarmulkes.


Kaprice: A professional ice dancer who is limited to the chorus. Also, a fine but oily salad made of tomato and mozzarella.

Kassia: Constellation or a breakfast cereal. Endomorph.

Kenya: An African coastal country with a landscape that ranges from savannah to veld. Also, a runway model.

Kepi (KAY-pee) - A French military cap that can be worn at a jaunty angle. Also, an acronym for "kitchen patrol," a punishment that often involves peeling potatoes.

Kinda: Something that isn't quite one thing, but also not quite another. "Hey, Mom, I'm Kinda pregnant."

Kiora: A small crown worn by pageant contestants on an island reality show.

Krichelle: Will get louder and louder, sometimes apparently without warning.

Kris Miss: A religious holiday that occurs four days after the winter solstice. The other white Chanukah.

Kylie: Dr. Welby's young associate.

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